Simple Rules on How to Ride an Electric Scooter and not Interfere with Pedestrians

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Every day there are more and more scooters on the streets of the country.

Unfortunately, the raiders forget about the driving culture. Two people can often be seen on scooters, which contradicts safety requirements. It is also possible to observe trips at high speed. Pedestrians can be cut off and even knocked down. If you are not a pedestrian and do not drive a car, this does not mean that you are not a road user and you can forget about the rules.

On an iscooter ix6 off road electric scooter, you can move away from the road and sidewalk, for example, take a ride in the park, then there is less chance of getting into an accident, but it’s still worth remembering the rules.

At the moment, governments in all countries are thinking about how to deal with ardent electric scooter drivers. There are simple rules that will be comfortable for everyone.

back wheel of iscooter
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Do not exceed the speed of more than 15 km/h

The faster the driver moves, the slower his reaction and the higher the mass of the approaching object. If the wheel of an iscooter i9max electric scooter gets into a recess in the roadbed, a baby suddenly jumps out on the road or a car suddenly appears, it will be much easier to dodge a collision in time and slow down at a low speed.

Do not cross pedestrian crossings on a scooter

Traffic on a pedestrian crossing on this type of transport can be very dangerous. Pedestrians can move unpredictably, which increases the risk of causing injury to someone.

Also, car drivers can incorrectly estimate the speed of movement and not have time to slow down if the scooter from iScooter suddenly jumped out on the road. To avoid possible problems, it is recommended to dismount before the transition appears.

Use bike lanes

Before the start of the route, it is recommended to lay the intended path along the bike lane. Perhaps such a trip will be longer in time, but it will not be able to interfere with anyone.

off road iscooter with seat
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Don’t honk at pedestrians

It is necessary to remember about politeness and not to use a signal so that a pedestrian gives way to you. On the bike path you have such a right, but still try to move systematically. Then you won’t have to scare pedestrians with a signal going down the wrong path.

Don’t cut off pedestrians

From surprise, they will start to bounce sharply, wave their arms, move in a chaotic direction at the sight of a moving scooter. Try to avoid pedestrians at a distance of 1 – 1.5 meters.

This will save all road users from injury. If you see a group of people in front of you, it’s better to get off the scooter completely and drive it next to you.

If you follow these rules, then you will not have any problematic situations.

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