How to Scrap of The Car Safely?

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Just leaving an unnecessary old car on the street is not the solution to the problem. Neighbours can complain about an abandoned car. If the car is evacuated, the owner will have to pay for the services of a tow truck and a special parking lot. In addition, if you do not remove the vehicle from registration, the car will continue to be taxed.

What is recycling?

Recycling is the safe scrappage of an old car and its legal “separation” from the owner. In specialized points, outdated cars are disassembled into components, the metal is melted and used to make new cars.

The car is handed over for recycling if it is impossible or inefficient to use it. This procedure can be useful to owners for various reasons:

  • It is impractical to repair the car. For example, a car is rotten through and through or completely intact, but exists in one copy, and parts for it are made only to order.
  • I can’t sell the car. For example, no one needs it because of its poor technical condition and does not represent historical value.
  • Recovery after an accident is more expensive than a new car.

The reasons can be very different. But in any case, for the owner, the car no longer becomes a means of transportation, but a useless thing. You can Remove My Car.

old scoda car
Photo by Elimende Inagella on Unsplash

When to pay and when not to

If you purchased a car a long time ago, registered it with the traffic police and actively use it, in most cases you do not need to pay a recycling fee. You will not have to pay a fee even if there is a note in the vehicle passport that the recycling fee has been paid. This means that the fee was paid by the manufacturer or the company that imported the car from abroad.

Car owners must pay the amount if no one has previously paid the recycling fee.

There are also services that will pay you in cash for the fact that you want to Scrap My Car. Such services can be found all over the world on the Internet.

How to properly scrap of the car

The driver needs to choose an organization that disposes of the car. Companies with a license are engaged in the processing of machines.

The owner must deliver the car to the recycling point himself, and after recycling receive the appropriate certificate. The electronic version of the certificate is not supposed: the original signatures and seals must be on the document. Forms with blemishes and corrections are considered invalid.

If you are not going to participate in the recycling program, you can hand over the car at any scrap metal collection point. Specialists will issue an acceptance certificate.

It is possible to remove the car from the register in the traffic police only after its disposal.

a pile of scrapped cars
Photo by Documerica on Unsplash

Where to rent an old car for money

In addition to recycling, the owner of an old car can:

  • sell the vehicle and remove it from the register of the traffic police;
  • scrap it to an organization with a license for this type of activity;
  • disassemble the car and sell individual parts from it;
  • take the car to the dealership and get a discount on the purchase of a new car if the store implements an exchange program.

The cost of the car or individual spare parts is determined by the owner of the car. When handing over a vehicle, the final cost depends on the weight of the metal and may be reduced due to the cost of disassembling the vehicle.

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