How to Lease a Truck?

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Leasing is one of the types of lending when all property rights to the object of the contract remain with the lessor. At the same time, the object of the agreement remains with the recipient for quite a long time with the right of redemption. This method of acquisition is very beneficial for both parties due to the fact that it has a number of undeniable advantages, including those related to taxation.

There are a few things you need to know before leasing a truck.

Financial advantages of cargo leasing

At the moment, ford transit lease is a very popular service in the transport lending market. The question arises, for what reason is this happening? Firstly, this service implies a small down payment, and secondly, relatively simple requirements are imposed on the person who resorts to it.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

If we compare leasing and a standard loan, taking freight transport on lease has a number of advantages:

  • a person has the opportunity to choose a vehicle in a faulty condition or already with a certain mileage and make appropriate repairs in the future;
  • the requirements that are imposed on the recipient are significantly reduced than if there was a loan;
  • the payment time is much longer and if a person wants to buy a vehicle ahead of time, no penalties will be imposed on him.

Features of cargo leasing

Under the lease agreement, anyone can buy both cargo transport and, for example, a trailer. In this case, the vehicle can be both used and brand new.

Businessmen and entrepreneurs most often resort to the following types of leasing:

  • Financial – the vehicle is purchased on the basis of a lease, and over time the person buys it at a residual price.
  • Return – this option is not so common. It assumes that the leasing recipient is also a transport supplier.
  • Operational – assumes that at the end of the term of the contract, the car must be returned to its owner.

Anyone who wants to submit an appropriate application for car leasing should decide for himself exactly which vehicle he wants to purchase. So, it can be: truck, dump truck, logging truck, semi-trailer, fuel truck, etc.

ford inside
Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash


The terms of leasing transactions depend on what type of vehicles are purchased. You can find out More Info on the companies’ website. However, basically, most companies offer the same conditions:

  • Depending on which type of transport is being purchased, it is necessary to make a certain initial payment. So, the amount of such a contribution can be from 15 to 30%.
  • The term of the agreement, basically, is from 1 to 5 years. On average, such contracts are concluded for three years.
  • As for the rate of appreciation, it is 5% per year.

Any conditions stipulated by the agreement may well be changed, everything will depend on which type of transport is being purchased. In cases where the car is not new, the term may be shortened, and the annual rate of appreciation, on the contrary, increases.

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