How to Choose the Right Hoverboard for a Child

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Before purchasing a hoverboard for a child, parents need to decide exactly how the device will be operated – occasionally or constantly.

In addition, choosing from the assortment offered in stores, it is recommended to pay attention to a number of parameters that affect both the duration of operation of the hoverboard and its performance characteristics.

Wheel diameter

First of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the wheels. It is this parameter that will affect the load capacity, cross-country ability and speed of movement.

  • 4.5-inch wheels. Devices with such wheels without shock absorption, so you will have to ride exclusively on smooth surfaces. In addition, the patency of hoverboards will be reduced. The speed of such devices is 5-7 km / h.
  • 6.5-inch wheels. Hoverboard with such wheels is the most common. These devices are also suitable for novice users. Depreciation leaves much to be desired. The speed limit is up to 10 km/h.;
  • 8-inch wheels. The passability is significantly higher than that of the previous variants. The child will be able to ride not only on ideal road surfaces. The speed usually does not exceed 10 km/h.
ihoverboard brochure
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Permissible load

It is curious that when choosing a hoverboard for kids, it is necessary to pay close attention not to the maximum allowed weight, but to the minimum weight parameters.

The body weight of a small user should not be less than 20-25 kilograms. Otherwise, the vehicle simply will not be able to “feel” the child and will not move.

The maximum load is 120-130 kilograms. Such a body weight is rare among children, but nothing can be excluded. If the child is too large, then it is better to refuse the purchase of such transport.


All hoverboard models are equipped with two electric motors. Their power will affect not only the speed, but also the ease of overcoming various obstacles: curbs, surface irregularities. The higher the indicators, the more passable the device is, but at the same time the price increases.

children on ihoverboard
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For the youngest users, you can purchase models with a small power of 500 watts. Teenagers should also buy more powerful vehicles – with indicators of 700 watts.

Battery capacity

Hoverboard does not require gasoline and other types of fuel, it is an electric mode of transport. The devices are powered by lithium-ion batteries, which are lightweight, practical and energy-intensive. Unfortunately, such batteries are not designed for the cold season.

It is better to give preference to models with batteries from quality companies, for example, iHoverboard.

Device material

Body products are usually made of polystyrene, but it can be different in quality and strength. In the cheapest vehicles, ordinary polystyrene material is used – the so-called PS. It is characterized by fragility in collisions and impacts.

Another thing is HIPS polystyrene, which is shock–resistant and resistant to wear and chips. Before making a purchase, you should check with the seller what kind of plastic the body of the vehicle you like is made of.

Paying attention to all the listed parameters, you can easily pick up a safe and high-quality hoverboard for your child.

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