Electric Scooter Currently

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Will an electric scooter replace a car in 2023? Last summer, sales of electric vehicles grew by a quarter compared to the previous year, and the popularity of electric scooters continues to grow.

Electric scooters have entered our lives unexpectedly and spectacularly. The rental of this two-wheeled transport opened relatively recently, and in the first week more than a thousand people took advantage of it. Since then, many city dwellers, tired of traffic jams and parking problems, have acquired personal scooters.

Electric scooter does not need parking

If you have a lock, you can park your off road electric scooter anywhere. And in order not to worry about the safety of the vehicle, you can take it with you to the office or home.

Finding a parking space for a car, both in the city center and in residential areas, is not an easy task. In addition, you have to pay for parking in many areas.

isinwheel scooter near green fence
Image by isinwheel.co.uk

On an electric scooter you do not need to stand in a traffic jam

During the year, motorists in large cities spend an average of 91 hours in traffic jams. It’s almost four days.

Isinwheel is not afraid of crowded streets – you need to ride electric scooters on the sidewalk or bike paths. The compact device is easy to maneuver between pedestrians.

Is electric transport a friend of the environment?

In the manufacture of a car, 7 tons of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere. If you release all this volume of gas onto the hockey field, then it will occupy the entire area and cover all the players with their heads.

The amount of emissions from the production of an electric scooter is 1% of the emissions from the assembly of a car. And you don’t need gas.

off road isinwheel near water
Image by isinwheel.co.uk

E-scooter is easier to care for

It is estimated that motorists spend large amounts of money annually on the maintenance of their vehicles: they pay for maintenance, gasoline, repairs, washing. insurance, transport tax.

Caring for an electric scooter is easier and cheaper: you need to charge it from a power outlet, wash it regularly and, if necessary, tighten the bolts.

However, do not forget – the electric scooter cannot be stored at a negative temperature. This is indicated in the instruction manual. Such a requirement is associated not only with the protection of the battery, but also with the risk of oxidation of the contacts. Many electric scooters left to spend the winter on the balcony do not come to life by spring.

Can an electric scooter replace a car, save time waiting for a taxi and public transport? In the end, is it possible to use a scooter as the main transport for every day? The answer is simple – of course, it can as it has many advantages that you may experience, having bought this convenient vehicle. It is suitable for getting around the city in good weather: it is cheaper, more compact, more maneuverable and will not get stuck in a traffic jam at the wrong time.

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