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Blog Cortina
Which Charger Should You Choose?
Among the inventory of each motorist, there must be a minimum set of working tools, including a jack, a compressor or a set of keys. The starter charger should also be included in …
Do You Need a Motorhome?
The mobile home is considered by contemporaries to a greater extent as a transport for recreation. However, the first motorhomes that appeared in America were of applied importance. At first it was a …
How to Choose the Right Hoverboard for a Child
Before purchasing a hoverboard for a child, parents need to decide exactly how the device will be operated – occasionally or constantly. In addition, choosing from the assortment offered in stores, it is …
Electric Scooter Currently
Will an electric scooter replace a car in 2023? Last summer, sales of electric vehicles grew by a quarter compared to the previous year, and the popularity of electric scooters continues to grow. …
Modern Transport for Long Distances
Electric scooters have gained huge popularity in a short period of time. And this is not surprising: with their help, you can overcome significant distances in a short period of time and completely …
Pros and Cons of Electric Scooter in an Urban Environment
This means of transportation is no longer a novelty in the urban environment, but is it able to completely replace other transport? Everyone decides for himself how it is more convenient for him …
What to choose a regular scooter or an electric scooter?
When the warm season comes, the last thing we want to do is spend time in a confined space. We want to enjoy good weather every day, even when we get to school …
How to choose where to buy and how to store collectible scale models
As a child, each of us probably loved to play cars. Many people do this in adulthood, only the game acquires the character of collecting. And if you have not yet become a …
Can a hoverboard replace a car?
Today, on busy city streets, it is increasingly possible to meet people riding amazing small devices – hoverboards. This modern vehicle looks like a platform with two wheels on the sides. Hoverboards often …
Do you need an electric scooter?
An electric scooter is a good thing and even sometimes necessary and useful. But before deciding to buy it, it is advisable to answer this question – do you really need it? To …