A Piece of Advice from All Repairmen of Electric Scooter

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Choosing iscooter ix6 off road electric scooter is as important as choosing a car. There are also characteristics that you should pay attention to, the selection criteria also apply to spare parts, operation and maintenance. Here are the main criteria that will help you choose a good scooter.

Never buy brand-new stuff

No matter how tempting they are advertised, no matter how chic the characteristics they are provided by manufacturers. In fact, neither you nor the repair staff of the workshops really know anything about this scooter. What spare parts will be needed for it in the future, how long will they last, where to order them and how long does delivery take?

Wait at least six months. As practice shows, after this time on the Internet it will already be possible to find honest reviews with all the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

Plus, all new items are always sold at an inflated cost. A year later, the price tag on them begins to decline significantly.

iscooter control app
Image by iscooterglobal.co.uk

Do not forget that the electric scooter is a technically complex product

What does it mean? If the color, size, shape, equipment did not suit you, but at the same time the product does not have any technical problems, then just returning it to the store will not work.

Avoid wheels that are smaller than 8 inches

Let’s start with the main structural elements of iscooter i9max electric scooter. Their wheels differ in size, filling, tread depth. The size, namely the diameter and width of the wheel affect the patency. 8-8.5 inches can be considered the initial standard. Less suitable only for a child.

The original product will always have a number engraved around the perimeter, and not an incomprehensible sticker glued

The quality of rubber of iScooter can be indirectly determined by the villi (when they are there). Just pull on a separate “whisker” and see what happens. If it does not come off and has good elasticity and viscosity, then the rubber is wear-resistant. The opposite result indicates that the tire has been improperly stored or has expired.

iscooter wheel
Image by iscooterglobal.co.uk

Inflated or cast?

Filling – inflated with air or solid, which is better? One-piece polyurethane wheel is resistant to punctures and tube abrasion. This means that such a performance is ideal for moving along flat paths in the city.

However, in reality, there is no talk of any smooth roads even in megacities. Everywhere there are small, crookedly laid tiles. In some places, it is broken. Asphalt happens with a bunch of holes, mounds, cracks, dirt paths. All this transmits vibrations to trembling in the teeth. And such wheels reduce the speed by at least 3-5 km / h.

At the same time, do not confuse, the filling of the wheels does not affect the depreciation during sudden changes in height.

We are talking about jumping from curbs and stairs. Inflatables will not save you if the scooter does not have full-fledged shock absorbers. Jumping from the curb on a scooter is dangerous.

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