Tips for Organizing Garage Lighting

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If you are thinking about how best to make lighting in the garage or you do not like the current situation, then there are several recommendations from experts regarding the choice of lamps for the garage, their location, calculation of the required number of lighting fixtures, and also find out what ways there are to organize autonomous lighting.

What are the requirements for a lighting system?

The process of planning a lighting system in a garage does not differ in any way from the process of organizing the lighting of a residential area. It is worth considering that one lamp will not be enough for comfortable work in a garage located in the centre. There are several requirements for a garage lighting system that will allow you to build it correctly.

  • The light should cover the entire area, so you may need several hexagon lights;
  • The light should not be dim, but also not too bright;
  • It is important that both diffuse and spot lighting were present in the lighting system. It will also be convenient to have a portable lamp.
person lighting the engine of the car
Image by Unsplash+

What type of lamp should you choose?

Not all types of lamps are suitable for effective use and lighting.

For example, the well-known incandescent lamp used to be the only way to light up a room, but in the modern world there are many alternatives. Its only advantage remains its cost and ease of installation. Incandescent lamps are uneconomical, and also cannot show the result as bright uniform illumination.

To date, the hexagon led lights is considered to be the best light source. It is both economical and powerful. The LED lamp has a high cost, but this is justified by its characteristics. It is resistant to external influences, and also has various variations. There is a central lamp for diffusing lighting. For uniform illumination, LED lamps with side mounting can be used.

lamp hanging in garage
Photo by rob walsh on Unsplash

The main thing in the process of planning and choosing lamps is to take into account all the areas that need lighting, as well as the uniformity of lighting zones.

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