Pros and Cons of Electric Scooter in an Urban Environment

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This means of transportation is no longer a novelty in the urban environment, but is it able to completely replace other transport? Everyone decides for himself how it is more convenient for him to move around. Electric scooters have advantages and disadvantages in an urban environment.

What is good about electric scooters

First of all, electric scooters are environmentally friendly. Despite the fact that electric cars are appearing more and more, but they are still a minority compared to electric scooters. Also, not everyone can afford to purchase an electric car, and many people want to take care of the environment. Electric scooter is a great alternative, it does not pollute the environment, does not create traffic jams on the road and does not destroy urban space.

person riding on circooter bike
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You can move around the city on foot, but on an electric scooter it will be 5-6 times faster. The electric scooter is compact, even if it is parked, it does not occupy the entire sidewalk. Also, you will either not need maintenance, or it will be several times cheaper than a car.

Due to the fact that electric scooters have become a popular means of transportation in an urban environment, exhaust emissions have decreased, and the streets are becoming wider, as there are fewer parked cars. On an electric scooter, people began to get to work, universities and just walk around the city.

What are electric scooters bad for

The car is convenient because it has a roof, so you can drive it in any weather. If it is snowing or cold outside, but a person is forced to wear a lot of clothes, which hinders movement. Also, if it rains heavily, few people will want to get wet. But there is Off Road Electric Scooter that cope with a washed-out road after rain, so you don’t have to wait for the road to dry out to get to your destination.

Another disadvantage is the person himself. When electric scooters first appeared on the streets of large cities, no one was fully prepared for this, as their popularity grew exponentially.

Not everywhere there is a bike path or a special designated place for electric scooters, so then accidents with cars or pedestrians often happened. There were also no parking spaces for electric scooters and there were frequent thefts of vehicles.

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After a while, the situation in the cities improved, as the city administrations began to solve this problem. Therefore, every year the situation in the cities will only improve.

Where to get an electric scooter

If you are an irregular user of an electric scooter, then you do not need to buy it, because you can use electric scooter rental services that you can find everywhere. It will be cheaper and more convenient for you. Just download the app to your smartphone, find a free electric scooter and enjoy the ride.

But if you plan to use a scooter every day, it is more profitable to purchase your own, for example, from a Circooter. Believe me, it will pay off after a few months with daily skating.

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